Implemented Projects

A nationwide promotional activity based on the format of Science Slam as a platform for popularizing science and research and communication with target groups

Science Slam helps popularize science and research. It is a contest in which academics present their interesting scientific or research projects in the format of stand-up comedy. Before the contest itself, academics attend a workshop on presentation skills that they should take advantage of when making their presentation. The academics become actors and the public a panel of judges who decide on the best performances.

The winners of the domestic (school) rounds then participate in the inter-university contests and tourneys at schools and other events throughout the Czech Republic. Hence, they can demonstrate to the public that science and research have their place on the planet and that there is always something new and interesting happening, which they can communicate to the public in a simple and entertaining format.

The presentations take six minutes, and audio-visual aids are not permitted. Besides this, there are no limits to creativity. So come help us show the public new innovations and interesting areas in science and research.

Completed projects:

Increasing the quality of education at Charles University and its relevance for the labour market

Registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362

Project description: The objective of the project is to increase the quality of education at Charles University and to profile educational activity in order to ensure its relevance for the labour market. The development activities at the workplaces are focused on promoting entrepreneurship and strengthening the skills of students in line with demand and labour market developments. An integral part of the project is strengthening the internationalisation of instruction, the innovation of existing study programmes, and the creation of new study programmes.

In its activities, the CICSS focuses on practical seminars that strengthen soft skills. The seminars are intended for students and employees of the university. They include one-day and several-day workshops as well as 3-month e-learning courses focusing on project management. Look for the courses and seminars we offer in the news section!

Strategic planning and innovation of counselling services with the goal of increasing the quality of university counselling in the Czech Republic

The project contributes to expanding and improving university counselling services based on tools of strategic planning with emphasis on innovative elements. University counselling, the same as counselling outside the university environment, must develop, attempt to react to the needs of clients (students) with the goal of innovating and targeting or expanding as needed the services of career, psychological, and study counselling. A total of 16 public universities took part in the project, which was coordinated by Masaryk University.

Students advise students

The service Students advise students is a form of tutoring where upper-level students help incoming first-year student adapt to the new university environment. In 2011, the Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services prepared the methodology for the service and initiated its pilot test at four selected faculties. According to the set schedule, faculty student tutors who were available to newcomers at the beginning of the academic year during the winter semester were selected and trained, and they provided consultation in the specified areas. Particularly at the Faculty of Education, the tutoring system was well established and the service is repeatedly offered, used, and well evaluated. In the context of expanding and increasing the range of student counselling services, the CICSS aims to continuously develop and strengthen the tutoring service at Charles University.

E-learning course – Project Management

In the winter semester of 2012, the Centre for Information, Counselling, and Social Services organized the first pilot e-learning course Project Management. With the possibility of contact with a tutor for approximately 40 hours, the e-learning course is also intended for students with special needs and even those with vision and hearing impairments. In addition to the opportunity of taking a course in a purely e-learning format, those attending the pilot course positively evaluated the smooth communication with the lecturer. The next course will start during the programme “Graduate” in April 2013. Those interested in the e-learning course may also attend the live seminar on the topic of project management as a part the Graduate programme.

Development of Competencies and Information Support for Ph.D. Students at Charles University

This project for 2013 focuses on the support of Ph.D. students and post-doctoral students at Charles University. It includes the development of information services as well as education where courses, seminars, and workshops are focused on the development of selected competencies useful for interdisciplinary studies and academic work and in chosen professions. It also focuses on the support of mobility and development of counselling services. Currently more than 8,000 Ph.D. students study at Charles University in 144 Ph.D. study programmes, full-time as well as part-time.

Last change: February 24, 2020 13:39 
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