Student societies

Student life at CU is organised especially through student societies of which there are several dozen at the individual faculties. Student organisations which meet the requirements may receive financial support for the activities.

Support for student interest activities

The procedure in applying for financial support of CU student interest activities and the terms of granting applications are provided for by:

According to the above-listed regulations, the support can be provided for interest activities taking place at the University or faculty.

The deadlines for submitting applications are the following:

  • application for regular financial support for interest activity at the University

    30 September of the current calendar year

  • application for one-off financial support for interest activity at the University

    15 November of the current calendar year

  • application for one-off financial support for interest activity at the faculty

    28 February, 30 April and 15 October

The application for support for interest activity is submitted on a special form annexed to the above-mentioned Rector’s Measure No. 13/2018:

The requirements are defined in Article 7 of the mentioned Rector’s Measure, with a major requirement being the budget of the activity (recommended form for draft budget can be downloaded here).

The application is submitted in print for the attention of H.M. the Rector, and in electronic form addressed to

The written form of the application is decisive and must be delivered to the University not later than the deadline. The paper forms of the applications are submitted at the filing office at the CU Rectorate.

Applications delivered after the deadline will not be discussed at the relevant meeting of the committee.

One of the application conditions is the registration of the society or foundation on a list kept by the University. The application for registration must be addressed to and must contain the following details:

  • name,

  • legal form,

  • name of individual or persons authorised to act on behalf of the society or foundation,

  • address of seat,

  • mailing address, connection and

  • possible reference to website or other electronic presentation.

Current version of the University list of societies and foundations (as of 31 October 2017) (PDF, 77 kB)

A society or foundation that has received support for interest activity must submit the final accounts of an implemented activity to the University within 60 days of the conclusion of the supported activity and within 60 days from the date of the signing of the agreement on the provision of support. A sample of the recommended final accounts form is available here. You can download an empty form here.

Last change: February 15, 2023 13:05 
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