The Presto Language School – a tradition stretching back 19 years
The Presto Language School offers a wide range of services. The company specialises in corporate and individual tuition in various forms.
The Presto Language School is located in the very centre of Prague, at Na Příkopě 31, Prague 1, in the immediate vicinity of the metro stations Náměstí Republiky and Můstek.
The aim of the language school is to provide high quality, systematic and effective language teaching at a professional level. There is an emphasis on a personal approach to each student and rapid progress in learning.
For employees of Charles University and members of Alumni Club a discount for individual tuition of 5% of the price of the lesson is provided, which amounts to CZK 520,- per 60 min. and is one of the best in this market and is the same whether there are one or three students.
More info at:
CU Point
Charles University
Celetná 13
116 36 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 491 850