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Proofreading Service of English Academic Texts

Proofreading of Academic Texts in English is a service for Ph.D. candidates who need help correcting and editing their academic texts. Try our service if you are unsure about grammar, style and spelling in your English texts. Be aware that this is not a regular course but a service for individuals! WE ASK YOU FOR FOLLOWING RULES GIVEN BELOW!

Proofreading means a final checking of texts before their finish. It is a language editing (style, spelling, punctuation) but does not cover checking the text content. We provide this service to all Ph.D. candidates for free with a maximum of 30 standard pages of their academic texts. These texts must be related to your academic field within your Ph.D. study (e.g. scientific article, theses, dissertation). The required language level of English is at least B2. Do not send texts translated by mechanical translators!

How the service works:

1. Register at the time you are ready to send your text to a proofreader (e.g. do not make any registration in March if you finish your text in April or you are unsure about the finishing at all). We have many interested students in the service, so we find the applications not following the rules invalid and consider it a "course absence" (for the defined amount of absence, you are not allowed to participate in CU POINT events for the following semester. We take this strict measures to offer our service to students who are really interested, but they wouldn't register because of the invalid registrations and the limited capacity.).

2. During the registration, upload your text for proofreading and write a note about the number of its standard pages (the standard page differs from a usual page full of text, see below), the deadline for finishing the proofreading, you wish about (un)correcting citations, citation style and the way of proofreading - modification straight in the text without comments or with monitoring of changes. If you are not finished with your text yet, leave a message in the application.

3. After registering for the service in the Educational Portal, wait for the confirmation message from a proofreader that she is working on your text. The whole communication is online via e-mail or Vzdělávací portál, depending on further circumstances.

4. If you are already registered for the service but have changed your mind, please cancel your registration to make a vacancy for another student.

The service is limited to 30 standard pages. If your text is longer than 30 standard pages, please, create a new registration for another term (concerning your colleagues on a waiting list). In case you need proofreading for another of your text, please, do not circumvent the Educational Portal and make a new registration. Without it, we cannot pay for the service for you.

Be aware the standard page differs from the usual page. It contains 1.800 characters, including spaces for a page. Please, modify your texts according to this norm.

The service is available for the whole year.


Eleanor Lurring, MBA, MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL, UK accredited proofreader

I am a native speaker of English from the UK. With over thirty years of experience teaching high-level English, I now focus on helping writers produce academic texts for publication. I proofread and edit academic texts such as research articles, Ph.D. dissertations, conference papers, motivation letters, and grant applications. I work with doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in various branches of science, education, engineering, humanities, and economics. This may be consultancy work if the structure and content of a text need attention; or it may be proofreading for accuracy and reader-friendly style.


Ph.D. candidates


Vzdělávací portál (Educational Portal)

Pay attention to your pre-filled e-mail address in your account on the Educational Portal. We communicate via the mentioned e-mail about the course. If you want to change your e-mail address in Educational Portal, you must do it in 

WhoIS system.

Event start 11 January 2024
Event end 31 December 2024
Organiser CU Point
Organiser's contact email
Event website
Venue Online
Reservation Vzdělávací portál (Educational Portal)

Last change: March 12, 2024 16:38 
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