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Survival Czech 2

This course builds on and extends the areas covered in Survival Czech: Language Course for Total Beginners..

The course targets communication situations that the students need to deal with in everyday life, introducing essential grammatical concepts and vocabulary relating to the language functions, such as apologizing (modal verbs, days of the week), describing daily routine and obligations, talking about the past (past tense, frequent verbs), etc. Students also gain more sociocultural competence to deal with everyday life in the Czech Republic.

Suggested areas (the syllabus will be adjusted to the needs of the group).






Time expressions

Modal Verbs

Daily routine

Daily activities

Present tense conjugation

What happened

Daily activities

Past tense introduction

Final Project


Ten 90 min sessions from November 14th to December 14th;

2 x 90 mins per week, Tuesdays and Thursdays (time depends on participant's options)


Ph.D. students


Vzdělávací portál (Educational portal)

Lessons will be held online (MS Teams).

We will send the link to the registered people before the course begins.

Pay attention to the pre-filled e-mail address in your account on the Educational Portal. We communicate via the mentioned e-mail about the course. If you want to change your e-mail address in Educational Portal, you must do it in WhoIS system.

Course book

Čeština Expres 1 e-book

E-books will be ordered by the language center, because of the lower price for bulk orders.

Event start 14 November 2023
Event end 14 December 2023
Type of event Course, workshop, seminar
Organiser CU POINT, Mgr. Petra Kučerová Konupková
Organiser's contact email
Event website
Venue MS Teams
Reservation Vzdělávací portál /Educational Portal

Last change: March 12, 2024 16:38 
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CU Point

Charles University

Celetná 13

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 850


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