• News


19 September 2024

The current flood situation in the Czech Republic is not only an extraordinary burden for all those who have been directly affected by the disaster or whose loved ones or property have been endangered, but it can also trigger unpleasant reactions in those who have not been directly affected.

Even in this situation, there are steps you can take to support your mental well-being.

If you are in need of urgent psychological assistance or are experiencing a downturn in your mental health (e.g., psychological difficulties such as shock, anxiety, sleeplessness, worry, or the need to share your experience of current events), do not hesitate to seek professional crisis assistance. Contact information is provided below.

How can you take care of your own mental well-being?

The following steps can be effective:

  • Try to rest and regain your strength, especially in the beginning; this will help you to actively manage your situation later. Give yourself time to recover; do not rush. Everyone needs a different amount of time to deal with extreme stress.

  • Share your feelings with people you trust. Talking about your feelings and thoughts with others can bring relief. Take advantage of contacts where you can be assured of acceptance, understanding, and support. It's important that you don't feel alone. However, if you cannot contact your loved ones right now, if you do not feel emotionally strong and ready to talk to them, it may be better to contact one of the professionals recommended below.

  • Try to maintain as normal a routine as possible. Engage in your usual activities that gave you satisfaction, even if they seem challenging now. Regular activities provide a sense of stability in times of chaos.

  • Use simple ways to calm down. Exercise, sports, and physical activity can be good ways to manage stress. Try relaxation exercises. Any activity that distracts you and takes your mind off the negative experience can help. Avoid alcohol and drugs, which may provide short-term relief but worsen the processing of traumatic experiences in the long run.

  • Utilize healthy coping strategies, such as relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, sports activities, and cultural experiences or events. Activate your resources for coping with stress. Think about the things that have helped you in the past, about your accomplishments, and about your abilities. You may not be as alone as it seems, as you have people close to you who will support you. Write down all of your coping resources, and reflect on and update them from time to time. Use various self-help guides to understand your reactions to what you have experienced. Read them in small doses.

  • Monitor your experiences and thoughts. If you notice changes compared to your state before the tragic events, do not hesitate to seek help. It's important to pay attention if you feel prolonged sadness, your mood fluctuates dramatically, you react irritably out of proportion to the situation, you can't stop thinking about the events you've experienced, you're overwhelmed by anxiety, you suffer from insomnia or an inability to concentrate, or you experience other unusual feelings.

  • Watch for similar changes in people around you and offer help or referrals to professional services. Remember that anyone affected by the current situation (whether directly or indirectly) will be more sensitive to expressions of trivialization and minimization, jokes, or comparisons with other people. Listen to the person and express understanding; further steps can be found here.

  • It may also be helpful to seek professional help. A professional can help you deal with the current situation and your feelings about it. Contacts are listed below.

These recommendations are general principles. However, each person's response to stressful situations is unique. Professional mental health support is critical in these situations.

Available help

If you need mental health assistance related to the current flood situation, please use the resources on the CU Counseling website. To make an appointment for counseling, you can email directly . Counseling in English is available. We are currently doing everything we can to provide the most expedient counseling time to those affected by the flooding.

If you are in need of urgent psychological assistance or are experiencing a downturn in your mental health, do not hesitate to seek professional crisis assistance. Sources listed below are available in English:

Help in Crisis

Blue Line

Website: https://www.modralinka.cz/english

E-mail: Write to and you will receive an answer within 72 hours.

Crisis Intervention Centre - Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital

Immediate assistance 24/7 (no appointment needed)

A doctor who speaks English is always present, but the centre does not guarantee English-speaking services over the phone

Address: Ústavní 91, 181 02 Prague 8

Phone: +420 284 016 110, +420 284 016 666

Psychiatric Clinic, General University Hospital in Prague

Address: Ke Karlovu 11, 128 08 Prague 2

Phone: + 420 224 965 344; 224 965 345

If you cannot reach the previous contacts, you can call the general helpline: + 420 224 961 111, where you will be transferred


You can find more contacts for crisis psychological support outside the university here.

Information hotline for Ukrainian, Vietnamese and Mongolian speakers can be found here.

Throughout the entire autumn semester, support groups led by experts from the Czech Institute of Psychotraumatology and EMDR will also be available. The nearest session you can attend will take place online on September 24, 2024 (you can register on EMDR webpage here),

or on October 3, 2024, in person at 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM in the Small Hall in the Carolinum building, Charles University. Sessions are held in Czech, so at least basic knowledge of Czech is needed.

Starting from September 30, you can attend an open support group organized directly by CU counseling services. Session will be held in English. More information can be found here.

How to care about your mental health during current floods

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CU Point

Charles University

Celetná 13

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 224 491 850


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