Ph.D. Candidates

Doctoral Peer Club: Share Your Written Introduction

Dissertation, scientific article, conference contribution; none of these a scientist writes for the drawer, but for the public. If they want their work to be a joy to read and their findings to spread like wildfire, they must not only do good academic work, but also write about it in an understandable way. Sometimes, however, even though scientific papers are written with surgical precision, they can be difficult to understand. Perhaps it's due to poor structure, overly complex language, sentences that don't make sense, or chaotic expression. This cannot be determined without feedback and readers. And that's exactly what we'll serve you! Join the Doctoral Peer Club, where you'll not only have your own work evaluated, but you'll also find yourself in the role of evaluator!

The course is offered in two sessions, each focusing on different part of your papers:

  1. Introduction of an academic text

  2. Title and abstract of an academic text

Each session can be participated separately.


Working in groups, you will take turns reading others' texts and providing feedback. However, as authors of the texts, it will be up to you to decide what you want feedback on. Explain what concerns you have with your texts and ask for feedback on that particular issue. These issues shouldn't centre on the accuracy of language but rather on text structure and content.


In this workshop, you will learn how to work with feedback and how readers of your texts understand the content. It is invaluable to have a fresh pair of eyes reading your text. Even non-specialists in your field of study can raise enlightening questions and give you an idea of how others perceive and process the information you wish to convey. We offer you a cooperative, helpful sharing environment in a small group format with a facilitator experienced in teaching academic writing to coordinate the sessions.


Bring a recognisable section of your academic text (dissertation, research article, etc.), 1 or 2 pages, from the main part (methods, results) on which you want feedback. The number of pages is minimal due to time and number of participants. We also ask you to send us the chosen pages. The facilitator must get them know in advance. You can upload the text in Vzdělávací portál at the same time as your registration or send it via e-mail to the contact person no later than on Wednesday, 4th December. We guarantee not to provide it to anyone else.


Monday, 9th December, 15.00 - 18.00

Hybernská Campus (Hybernská 998/4), building D, floor 3


Ph.D. candidates


Vzdělávací portál (Educational Portal)


Eleanor is a native English speaker from the UK. With over thirty years of experience teaching high-level English, she now focuses on helping writers produce academic texts for publication. Eleanor proofreads and edits academic texts such as research articles, PhD dissertations, conference papers, motivation letters, and grant applications. She works with doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in various branches of science, education, engineering, humanities, and economics. This may be consultancy work if the structure and content of a text need attention, or it may be proofreading for accuracy and reader-friendly style.


Pay attention to the pre-filled e-mail address in your account on the Educational Portal. We communicate via the mentioned e-mail about the course. If you want to change your e-mail address in Educational Portal, you must do it in WhoIS system.

Event start 9 December 2024
Event end 9 December 2024
Organiser CU Point
Organiser's contact email
Event website
Venue Hybernská Campus
Reservation Vzdělávací portál (Educational Portal)

Last change: September 4, 2024 13:32 
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