Theatre Pod Palmovkou

  • A discount of 20% on tickets to theatre performances (not applicable to the performances Králova řeč, FUK!, Edith a Marlene and Žítkovské bohyně). ID holder may purchase two discounted tickets to a performance.

  • Each month, a special offer for performances with discounted ticket prices (up to 30% - 40% off tickets).

Practical information:

  • The discount applies when purchasing or picking up tickets at the theatre box office after showing your university ID. You can book tickets by e-mail or phone by contacting Izabela Fusková, , +420 283 011 119.

  • Information on the special monthly offer and preferential advance purchase for the following month are sent to interested parties by e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the offers, send an e-mail to .

  • For more information on the theatre’s programme, click here:

Last change: March 18, 2022 09:58 
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