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Podmínky účasti na seminářích a workshopech

Agile & Scrum: Jak na efektivní řízení projektů

The terms "agile" and "scrum" are connected with the field of project management. If you are interested in more effective work in a team, then learn how to achieve it with modern methods.

The scrum process is one of the most frequently used processes of the agile methods. It is based on teamwork, feedbacks, and transparent communication within a team and a company. It means that an assigned project is needed to be divided into separate functional parts solved individually. The parts called "sprints" are solved systematically, and each is given enough time to be dealt with. All sprints are evaluated at their end. Then it provides an opportunity to explore problems quickly, react and eliminate said problems, and take necessary steps to complete the task.

Agile and Scrum are in contrast to the traditional methods based on stereotypes in management. However, this process isn't supposed to be the goal of a project but only an effective way to achieve the project goals.

Our workshop is focused on bringing new methods in project management and breaking the stereotypes in teamwork. Agile and Scrum processes can help your team to be more effective, flexible, and successful.

Learning Outcomes:

- Inspire the participants with the best practice procedures in implementing Scrum process and agile methods;

- Enable the participants to try model situations;

- Discuss the real case-studies of the participants.


- Introduction, why did we implement agile methods;

o Scrum process - discussion, experiences, expectations:

o Sprint cycle, planning, estimations, task evaluation, burn downs, customer demo;

o Backlog and user story;

o Team cooperation and customer role.

- Roles in the project

o Scrum Master, Product Owner, responsibilities and organization of team;

o Motivation;

o Organization structure;

- Retrospective - why we do retrospective and how it works;

- Planning Poker and other evaluations methods;

- Agility and psychology;

- Kanban;

- Scrum game.

The course is in English!

Timing: 16th November, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, Zelená posluchárna (Celetná 20, 1st floor)

Lecturer: Vladimír Vojtíšek

Participants: The course is intended mainly for Ph.D. students and postdocs.

RegistrationVzdělávací portál

Please, take your clean bill of health with you.

Začátek akce 16. listopadu 2021
Konec akce 16. listopadu 2021
Druh akce Kurzy, workshopy, semináře
Organizátor UK Point
Email na organizátora petra.konupkova@ruk.cuni.cz
Webové stránky https://ukpoint.cuni.cz/IPSC-506.html
Místo konání akce Zelená posluchárna
Cílová skupina Akademická obec
Rezervace Vzdělávací portál

Poslední změna: 18. květen 2021 23:48 
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UK Point

Univerzita Karlova

Celetná 13

116 36 Praha 1

Česká republika

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 850


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