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  • Všechny akce

Všechny akce

Podmínky účasti na seminářích a workshopech

Master Critical Thinking and Overcome Cognitive Biases!

Today, we face complex problems and must navigate through a sea of ambiguous, often irrelevant information. At the same time, crucial information may be missing, difficult to find, or even inaccessible. This can lead to doubt, hesitation, and overthinking. To make matters worse, our judgment is frequently distorted by cognitive biases, leading to poor decisions and failures, that could have been avoided.

Critical thinking is the ability to independently evaluate information, situations, and problems, empowering us to make reasonable decisions. However, this skill requires a systematic, deliberate, and consistent approach. Mastering it allows us to achieve better outcomes, solve problems effectively, and reach our goals. In this lecture, you’ll learn about the most common cognitive biases and strategies to overcome them.

Lukáš Hána

Lukáš has been teaching critical thinking for over a decade, helping people work with information, solve problems, make decisions, plan, innovate, implement changes, argue persuasively, and avoid pitfalls like cognitive biases and manipulation. He is the founder and manager of the project Skeptik.cz.

Lukáš has completed training at the Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR) in Berkeley. He conducts training for the public, companies, NGOs, universities, and even intelligence agencies across the Czech Republic, Europe, and the United States.




The event will take place online. Upon registration, all participants will receive the event link via email.

Začátek akce 14. listopadu 2024 v 17:00
Konec akce 14. listopadu 2024 v 19:00
Organizátor Barbora Obrazová
Email na organizátora barbora.obrazova@ruk.cuni.cz
Místo konání akce Online
Rezervace https://registrace.cuni.cz/RegisterEvent/91e254c2-3b22-4379-be32-a7aeb6a10554

Poslední změna: 18. květen 2021 23:48 
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