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  • Všechny akce

Všechny akce

Podmínky účasti na seminářích a workshopech

Academic Writing: Practical Tips and Guidance

After the success of our first academic writing workshop, we are delighted to announce that we've invited Mr. Hwang to lead another online session, this time with a focus on practicality. Rather than offering broad strokes of advice, this session will provide undergraduate students guidance on common mistakes to avoid in key sections of essays, such as the introduction, body, conclusion, and citation.

Write Us

Until the end of April, you have the opportunity to write to us about your most challenging essay writing issues, what you perceive teachers expect from you, and the areas where you struggle the most. You can write us through the registration formula or via email: barbora.obrazova@ruk.cuni.cz. Your feedback will inform the content of the workshop and enable Mr. Hwang to tailor his guidance to address your specific concerns.

About the Lecturer

Jason Hwang, B.S., B.A., M.A.Ed.

Jason is originally from California and has been teaching in the Czech Republic since 2005. He focuses mainly on adult teaching, exams preparation, and academic writing for PhD students of the sciences at Charles University in Prague.

He holds a Masters in Education (Applied Linguists) from the Open University (UK), the Cambridge Delta, and a TEFL certificate. He also obtained degrees in Biochemistry/Cell Biology and Theatre from the University of California, San Diego.




The event will take place online on the platform Zoom. Upon registration, all participants will receive the event link via email.

Začátek akce 6. května 2024 v 15:00
Konec akce 6. května 2024 v 17:00
Organizátor Barbora Obrazová
Email na organizátora barbora.obrazova@ruk.cuni.cz
Místo konání akce Online
Rezervace https://registrace.cuni.cz/RegisterEvent/f97949dd-e819-4232-85a6-ee0f292c444f

Poslední změna: 18. květen 2021 23:48 
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