Electric bicycles ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** As part of supporting sustainable and healthy modes of mobility, Charles University has pr employees with the possibility of renting electric bicycles free of charge. Bicycles are available at the CU Rectorate at Celetná 20 and are primarily used for transp university buildings. The university thus tries to motivate its employees within the frame being and university benefits to a healthy lifestyle, to which regular exercise undoubtedl An employee's card and an entry in the rental book at the Karolina gatehouse at Celetná 20 for renting. During the rental, the Rules for renting electric bikes apply. Employees provide themselves with safety features such as helmets and reflective strips. more info: jana.sikorova(zavinac)ruk.cuni.cz [ MAIL "jana.sikorova(zavinac)ruk.cuni.cz"]