Bushman ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** After obtaining the unique code, you can order the merchandise, select delivery or pick-up location, and then pay.   WHAT IS THE AMOUNT OF THE DISCOUNT? You receive a 40% discount on all merchandise that is not already on sale.   WHERE CAN YOU MAKE PURCHASES? On the e-shop: bushman.cz [ URL "https://bushman.cz/"]   HOW IS MERCHANDISE DELIVERED? Merchandise will be delivered to your address or you can choose to pick up your merchandis BUSHMAN stores (with the exception of stores in Zličín, Teplice, Olomouc, and Brno). For orders over CZK 2,500, you get free shipping. See the e-shop’s terms and conditions.   WHERE DO YOU GET THE DISCOUNT CODE AND HOW DO YOU USE IT? Everyone is entitled to one discount code. This code can only be redeemed once (of course, multiple items). The discount cannot be used for the purchase of gift certificates or already discounted go discount cannot be combined with the BUSHMAN Club discount. The discount will be displayed the code in the shopping cart.   PLEASE EMAIL THE FOLLOWING PERSON FOR YOUR UNIQUE CODE: jana.sikorova(zavinac)ruk.cuni.cz "(zavinac)"] The code is valid from 4 to 30 November For any questions, please use the phone number +420 771 276 480 or the e-mail address michaela.vondrova(zavinac)bushman.cz [ MAIL "(zavinac)"]   IS IT POSSIBLE TO EXCHANGE OR RETURN MERCHANDISE? Merchandise may be exchanged or returned within 14 days. When exchanging merchandise, additional shipping will not be charged. See the e-shop’s ter conditions.